Thursday, December 19, 2013

Father's Day

One of my favorite things about having Leila has been watching Jeremy become a dad. There is nothing sweeter than watching your husband's face as he stares at his child. I love seeing little bits of Jeremy in Leila. They have the same eyes, the same ears, and the same even temperament. I have a feeling that they are going to be best friends. He already loves to spend every minute he can with her...even if it's when they are both sleeping.
(I'm so happy I caught this gem on camera...Daddy joining Leila for a nap after a long days work.)

Father's Day was spent at church and then with dinner at the Evans' home.  
Another couple of gems that I love! Leila loves her Daddy so much she can't take her eyes off him. Absolutely precious!

Happy first Father's Day Jeremy! I couldn't ask for a more perfect father to my children.