Thursday, March 27, 2014

Five Months

Leila is really starting to transform into a big girl and I'm not sure how I feel about it! I love what a sweet and happy little girl she is but I want her to stay little forever! Thankfully she doesn't seem to be in a hurry so I am grateful.
She is approximately 13.5 pounds and 25 1/2 inches long.
She has the best hair and can really work an up-do.
There is nothing better in this world than this smile. No matter how I'm feeling just seeing this for a moment makes me happier than ever.
Her favorite thing right now? Sucking her toes. Ya she's pretty classy. She is rolling now, but really just when she wants. So when she starts to roll, instead she just finds her toes and is perfectly content.
When is she not content? On her belly.
But at least I can distract her enough for a couple pictures.
And then she just lays flat down on her face and pushes her but up with her feet. So helpless.
 I know everyone thinks they have the cutest baby and I am no exception. I just stare at her in awe of how absolutely perfect she is with her flawless ivory skin and bright blue eyes. Ya I'm obsessed. But aside from her outward beauty she really just has the sweetest disposition. She makes everyone she meets happy. She is so mild tempered but still has a funny little sense of humor. I honestly couldn't be more blessed with such a perfect baby.