Wednesday, August 27, 2008

top 5 things i love about PROVO

1. The mountains...i think this is the thing that i miss the most about provo. every morning i would look out my window and see these beautiful mountains, and i couldnt help but think about what the pioneers must have been thinking when they first saw those mountains. i would never describe provo as an exotic place, but i could definately say that those mountains are the most majestic things i have ever seen. when i came home the first thing i noticed was how short brentwood is without all the mountains that i have now become accustomed to.

this was my first look at the mountains. unfortuately i didn't take any other pictures of them on my camera :(

2. the bus... not having a car and living quite aways from campus was a bit of a struggle. lucky for me i was able to purchase a cheap bus pass and the bus came directly to rain tree. i road the bus anywhere from 2-4 times a day and let me tell you, it changed my opinion of provo. seriously the missionaries should just ride the bus all day and they would find plenty of people to talk to. there were some nuts people. everybody from slutty girls with tongue rings trying to pick up on the 50something year old bus drivers to crazy ladies abnoxiously complainly about the mix up of her pizza. honestly i felt closer to california on the bus then anywhere else.

sorry, no pictures of all the crazies on the bus :(

3. churches...EVERYWHERE. i had always heard people make fun of provo and how there is a church on every corner, but i can top that. my first sunday i was so confused. there was one big parking lot with 2 big churches right next to eachother. one for singles and one for married couples. i totally started to laugh as i realized that i was defintely in provo. then i went into the church that was designated for singles and realized that there were 2 chaples inside each of the buildings. a north chaple and a south chaple. this definately takes the provo stereotype to the extreme.

this is kind of a bad picture but you can get the idea

4. prayer in the testing center...a picture of this moment would have been priceless but probably inappropriate. on my last day in provo, as a sat in the testing center taking my last final, this guy walked in, sat down, and totally started to pray. i just looked at him and at first was so surprised and then i just started to smile. that was definately a highlight of my summer!

5. engagement pictures on the fridge...this is when i knew i was living in a true singles ward. within the two months that i lived in provo, i had already gotten 2 wedding announcements for people that i actually knew. of course they went on the fridge.

the time that i lived in provo was short, but i will dearly miss it and wouldnt change anything about it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

my first apartment!!!

raintree commons....what an experience. four young girls living together in one small apartment...who knows what will happen. one thing is for times are inevitable.

there were some junky things about our apartment but we made due and made it the coolest apartment in raintree! :)

the front room

dining room/kitchen



the first thing that i noticed when i moved into 318 was that the fridge was abnormally full for only having 2 girls living in it. when i took a closer look, i realized that both the fridge and freezer were filled with foods from as early as 2005. some of the food wasn't even distinguishable. it was straight up disgusting. so, being raised by the mother that i have, i went straight to deep cleaning this disease waiting to happen.

it is now my pride and joy!

on to college

without missing a beat, mom, roxy and i jumped in the car and headed for BYU for the summer semester. it was a long but way fun road trip. the semester seriously flew by but it was a great experience and i loved every minute of it.

welcome to UTAH

classic rudd first day of school picture

welcome to Brigham Young University

Friday, August 22, 2008

graduation week


for both of my brothers graduations, pretty much everybody came to watch and support. Now, a few years later, my siblings live a lot farther a way and it just wasn't going to work out for them to come. I was so bummed. For a while i thought somebody might come to surprise me but as the big day got closer and closer that hope began to fail. however a couple days before graduation i stepped outside my door to find my sister Anie holding her baby girl Madi and another lady with a camera hiding her face. i totally screamed at the top of my lungs. The random lady finally moved the camera and i realized it was my sister Jen. I don't even know what happened but i totally just started crying. I was definately surprised. we had so much fun hanging out together and i was just glad to have some more family come to be here with me.


the day of graduation was a mix of emotions. I was so excited to finally be done but nervous out of my mind to speak in front of all those people. As ASB President, I am required to give a speech to sort of "give away" the class. As I was walking down the track all i could think about was how frickin stoked i was. I mean graduating from high school is a big step. its the beginning of a whole new start. I was so ready for that new start and could barely hold myself back from running down flipping my tassle right then and there. There were speeches and tortilla throwing then finally it was time. my name was called, i walked up, got my diploma jumped off the stage and then it was over and we had to sit through the hundreds of other people to graduate. During that time the anticipation of my speech grew and grew. When i finally got up there i was so excited i was about ready to pee my pants. i sped through the speech, threw my tassle over, gave a woo hoo and jumped off the stage. i had finally graduated!!!


the next two days was grad night, the beach, and my graduation party. by the end of the weekend i was so exhausted. You would think i would be used to it by now. i mean my family is all about go big or go home, so we always go big, and i love it!

of course with every momentous occassion in your life, you look back and look at the journey you took to get there. its been a long and bumpy ride, but i wouldn't have been able to get through it without 2 people that have always been here for me. so real quick i would like to thank my mom and dad, for being the best parents i could have ever asked for. you are my rock, my inspiration, and my best friends. thanks for always pushing me to do better and be better. i owe everything good in my life to you.

back to blogging

I am now home and am so ready for straight hours of blogging. i have already spent a good hour and a half catching up on reading some blogs and am so stoked to catch everybody up on the last 2 months of my get i go

Saturday, August 2, 2008

blame it on technology

i know i have a lot of fans out there who i really need to apologize to for the lack of updates. but let me explain. i have been taking pictures and such but have not been able to put them onto my computer. it has been such a struggle. so i havent wanted to post and have it be lame with out all my really cute pictures. so i am so sorry and i promise to update like crazy in a few weeks when i get home!!!