Saturday, August 2, 2008

blame it on technology

i know i have a lot of fans out there who i really need to apologize to for the lack of updates. but let me explain. i have been taking pictures and such but have not been able to put them onto my computer. it has been such a struggle. so i havent wanted to post and have it be lame with out all my really cute pictures. so i am so sorry and i promise to update like crazy in a few weeks when i get home!!!


The Jeffs Family said...

You're alive! I was beginning to wonder. My dad told me there is this 25 year old guy trying to marry you--it had better not be true! We miss you. Say hi to the ducks at Raintree for me and tell Michelle to email me sometime.

Anie said...

OK, OK, you're forgiven! Thanks for the apology! :) Can't wait to see you in 10 days!! I can TOTALLY help you with the pictures then! Can't wait to hear how your visit with Tisha was! I hear you did a great job getting her reacquainted with Provo! I am dying to come visit! Miss you! LOVE YOU!!! TTYS!

Chuckleheads said...

Karlee Dawn...I swear you are still 5 years old. do you hate it when your older cousins say stuff like that? Either way - you are a doll and I love that you are going to blog.

XOXO Cousin Anna