Monday, August 25, 2008

my first apartment!!!

raintree commons....what an experience. four young girls living together in one small apartment...who knows what will happen. one thing is for times are inevitable.

there were some junky things about our apartment but we made due and made it the coolest apartment in raintree! :)

the front room

dining room/kitchen



the first thing that i noticed when i moved into 318 was that the fridge was abnormally full for only having 2 girls living in it. when i took a closer look, i realized that both the fridge and freezer were filled with foods from as early as 2005. some of the food wasn't even distinguishable. it was straight up disgusting. so, being raised by the mother that i have, i went straight to deep cleaning this disease waiting to happen.

it is now my pride and joy!


The Hansen Family said...

Hooray for you Miss Karlee!!! Good luck with school and with the new apartment. :-) Love you and miss you!

Tisha said...

way to go chucky!! I love your blog posts! so fun! I can't believe that fridge! how disgusting! way to go in cleaning it all out- 3 years worth of food buildup!! yuck! love you!! xoxo

Chuckleheads said...

HA! I lived in raintree...I think that meat was probably from when I was there...

Anie said...

Thank you for this! Now I feel like I actually got a personal tour of your apartment. I guess I didn't need to drive up to Provo after all!