Thursday, May 30, 2013

Second Trimester Update

It has been so nice this trimester to feel a little better. The nausea started going away towards the beginning of this trimester and I'm starting to gain weight. Never thought I would be excited about that! Each doctor's visit that I get on the scale and the number goes up is such a weird feeling. I'm torn between the feeling of "yay this is healthy" and "crap I'm going to have a lot to loose!"

I would have to agree with the large majority of women who say this is the best trimester. I'm starting to show to the point where it doesn't just look like I've put on some belly weight. I'm embracing the cute baby bump! I was grateful that the move came during this trimester because I felt well enough to get all the packing and cleaning done and had enough energy for all the late nights and early mornings Jeremy and I pulled to get everything done before leaving Rexburg. I think I might have over done it a little since I had a little medical scare right when we got back to California, but nothing that a  little rest didn't fix.

I have still been experiencing some symptoms just to remind me that I am in fact pregnant.

#1 Back pain: I was surprised that this started so soon because my belly isn't big yet but my doctor has explained other factors that contribute. My fear is that this will only get worse. I pray that it will just stay the same!
#2 Acne! I noticed some skin changes in the first trimester but my poor skin has gotten so much more broken out this trimester. Another blessing of living with my mom is that she helps me take care of it...what would I do without her! Jeremy is constantly reassuring me that my skin looks great...I'm lucky to have such a sweet husband.
#3 Heartburn: Another symptom that I was surprised came on so soon! It isn't horrible yet but I never really got heartburn before so I am hating it! This is another symptom that I hope doesn't get worse! If it does than I hope that means she will come out with a lot of hair!

Each week I get emails from that tell me about the development of Baby Evans. It always gives the approximate size and correlates that to a fruit of vegetable  The beginning of the second trimester (week 15) was an apple. With a drawer of apples in the fridge we couldn't resist a little photo shoot!

Month Four

Month Five

Month Six

We couldn't be more excited for our little apple to arrive!