Saturday, October 26, 2013

New Things

Leila keeps things fun and exciting. I get excited everyday that I get to wake up and experience something new with her.
Jeremy has taken on the role of Leila's coach already. He loves doing tummy time with her and after work that is their thing. I just laugh that he is already training her to be his little athlete.
Leila at 8 days old figuring out this tummy pillow thing.
Leila at 9 days old more focused on her new monkey friend than working out. I have a feeling, much to Jeremy's dismay, that she is going to be more like her mama when it comes to physical abilities. However she does have some strong legs. She pushes herself completely over that pillow!
We love our Ergo from Aunty Kendal. Leila is just as snug as a bug in there. Jeremy got to try it on first just to walk around in the house. They both loved it!
Gram was excited to give Leila her first bath at home. We tried to keep her modest for pictures...instead of using one of the million washcloths we have, mom grabs her onesie...classic Mama Rudd.
Leila absolutely loved her bath! I'm hoping that lasts!
A sister in our ward made Leila this adorable towel with her name on it. So sweet!
Leila rocks the faux hawk like nobody's business! Love this girl's dark hair...just like mama's!
One of my favorite things right now is just hanging out. With Jeremy just working right now when he is done with work he is done. No homework or anything. So we just get to enjoy our baby. This will only last a short time with grad school looming around the corner so we are making the most of every moment!

Week One

Wow! Leila is one week old already. Time has really flown by and I can already see her growing. It kills me! Obviously it's a good thing but I don't want her to grow too quickly!
Here are some things about Leila.
I don't know when or where this started but all the kids on both sides of our family refer to Leila as "Baby Leila" and it's just kind of stuck.
She has already started to smile in her sleep. It absolutely melts my heart! Had to throw in this little picture sequence.
The swaddle: So I'm still learning and I'm not quite up to professional standards so Leila is pretty good at escaping. Again this photo series was hilarious!
The "stretch out"
The "hoorah"
The "pass out"
Leila doesn't do too well sleeping in her bed or on her back at all. In the hospital she started showing signs of reflux and it has caused some problems since being home. She throws up often in her sleep and if she is on her back she chokes. So if I can keep her on her side in her back that works but the bouncer has honestly been a life saver. I just hope she doesn't get too used to it.  
I know it's a baby thing, but baby expressions are way cuter and way more hilarious when it's your own baby. One more picture series.
Of course we had a one week birthday party...anything for a celebration in the Evans' house! (Ok it was just the two of us eating pink ice cream while Leila slept.)
Her one week pictures were with all the other pictures that got lost but I did find a few to post.
Fenton's strawberry ice cream in cones thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Evans.
Leila was really excited for her party!
One week later and we are even more in love with our Baby Leila!

First Mother's Day

Leila arrived in perfect time for Mother's Day. The best gift I could ever ask for! I told both moms right after she was born that this was my Mother's Day gift to them... I think I did pretty good. :)
I have to say, it is totally surreal that I am a mom. It is something so foreign yet comes so naturally. Heavenly Father definitely gives a gift to mothers because that is the only way I have any idea of what I am doing. I was also blessed with such a sweet baby. I am grateful she has Jeremy's temperament. She is so calm and loves to sleep...just like her Daddy. (Well, she loves to sleep during the day...not so much at night.)But every sacrifice is completely worth it!
We spent Mother's Day at the Evans' house. The Rudds, Passeys, Aunt Linda, and Aunt Janet joined as well.
So tiny in her car seat...asleep like always. I wish I had a picture of her the ruffles on these pants. Newborn outfit from Gram!

Grandma Passey is completely in love and wants to get as much time with her as she can before we move. I love this picture of the two of them!
Leila is such a lady!
Second best part of Mother's Day: talking to Tyler on the phone. So awesome! We miss this guy!
It has been so hot, so a lot of time Leila is just naked under her swaddle. :) And she still loves sucking her thumb! 
Lost a bunch of pictures so this is the only Mother's Day picture of us that I have. Still cute!
Jeremy earned favorite son status when he gardened with mom for Mother's Day.
And I even got flowers from Leila. The note says Happy Mother's Day! I love you Mommy! Love, Leila
Such a special Mother's Day!

Friday, October 25, 2013

The first few days with "Baby Leila"

So many emotions flooded through me within a short period of time that I felt in such a haze. In a way time seemed to slow as I just wanted to enjoy every little expression, every breath, and every moment of this brand new baby...our baby!

Right after she came out, I wanted to make sure that we did in fact have a girl since there was still this irrational fear that we would end up with a boy and only have pink clothes. Dr. Wada reassured me lifting this new baby up for me to see then putting her into my arms. I was just completely amazed and burst into tears. They put her into my arms and I never wanted to let go. She was just absolutely perfect.

Dr. Wada was still down below and I forgot about the whole placenta thing. I just wanted to lay down and focus on Leila so I quickly pushed that out then he "hurried" with the stitching. At some point the moms left to give us some time and  I remember them giving kisses. After they left I nursed her and she did great.

One of my favorite parts of the day was seeing Jeremy become a dad. I knew he would cry and he did but I had never seen such pride in his eyes as when he saw Leila. She had him wrapped around her finger at 1 minute old. He got to cut the umbilical cord and was an attentive student when the nurse was teaching him some baby tips during the bath.
Speaking of the bath...Leila was not a fan! She cried right when she came out but then quickly settled down and was happy and content. But she screamed during her bath.
Thankfully she liked the hair washing a lot better and then was all tuckered out and enjoyed a heated bed.
Jeremy did not leave her alone...I just laid in bed watching him stare at her as she slept. So sweet.

After some time the moms came back in and got their chance to hold this precious baby.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit too.

Soon after I was ready to change rooms and all I wanted was food, sleep, and a shower. (However my mom had brought me a Willy's bagel with strawberry cream cheese and I was pounding that minutes after she was born...and the miracle..NO HEARTBURN!) For some weird reason I wanted salad really bad so that's what I got. :)
And then I passed out!
Jeremy was pretty tired too and was happy to have something closer to a bed to sleep on that night. We re-arranged the room so that his bed could be next to mine for the night. I think the nurses thought it was kind of weird but whatever!
Dad had had to leave for business earlier and rushed back to get to visit that evening before visiting hours were over.

At some point one of the nurses came in to tell us that they had to take Leila to the nursery for some shots and stuff. It was my first feeling of being a mom...I did not want her out of my sight. They said it would be quick after only a short time Jeremy was walking the halls looking for her. I just felt sick without her and was counting the minutes until she was back. Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our favorite nurse Serena earlier so I wasn't even sure if she was in good hands! I"m telling you, I've already aged years from the worry of this first baby! She was brought back safe and sound eventually and we settled in for the night. 

These next two pictures I had to thrown in because the first is the first day of being a dad and the second picture is the second day...he already looks exhausted!

I have to say though that Leila was absolutely amazing that first night. She slept so much that night I had to wake her up to eat. Her temperment is just so relaxed and she barely even opens her eyes. She may look like me but she is more like Jeremy and for that I am grateful. 

It felt so good to shower and get cleaned up. Already I was feeling back to normal. I just remember feeling so skinny! Now looking at the pictures I realize what a belly I really had. But compared to my huge pregnant belly I guess I was really skinny!
Jeremy bought me these beautiful emerald earrings as a "new baby" gift. (Emeralds are Leila's birth stone)

Mom and Dad Evans came to see Leila before we checked out of the hospital that evening. This was Dad's first time meeting her...I love this picture!

Once we convinced the nurses that we were really going to leave that night, they hurried to get everything ready for check out. We got Leila ready and then we were out of there!
Because it was so late we had to exit through the emergency room. Everyone in there was ooing over Leila and I was just trying to get through as quickly as possible and hoping Leila didn't breathe too much. 

It was so nice to be home but Leila definitely tricked us with such an awesome first night. She was up all night and I finally had to go into my mom's room in the middle of the night for help. I was so out of it just standing next to her bed holding this baby. It was so amazing to have her there!
I had to post this picture even though I look absolutely disgusting because it is absolutely the essence of a new mom. 
Daddy and Leila were pretty tired too. 
There is actually a lot of sleeping happening for Leila at least...and only during the day. We need to work on that. 
Of course Leila had to meet Gram Rox as soon as possible. It was love at first sight! :)

Aunty Kendal came to visit right away as well and I was so happy to have her close enough to have them meet!

I have always been one for nicknames. Leila will have many over her life time I'm sure but for now she is my little peanut. I can't get over how absolutely adorable she is and I am completely obsessed with her! I never knew this kind of love existed but now it's what I live for. All the sleepless nights are so worth getting to spend them with this sweet baby!