Thursday, October 9, 2008

ducks...and geese

supposedly, as a little girl, my sister tisha was bitten by a goose. my mom loves to tell this story. so, growing up with this story i have developed a huge fear of geese. ok, with that lead up story out of the way, i will continue on with my present story. when my friend said that we were going to go feed some ducks, i was stoked. i love ducks. little did i know the massive amounts of ducks there would be nor that there would also be geese. so we get there and we only have like 4 pieces of bread. (we are starving college students remember?) we get out and walk over to with croud of ducks and they swarm us. jeremy goes to get my camera and i am left alone with all the ducks. then come the geese. they are getting right up next to me trying to get all the food but i want to share with all the ducks too. so im just throwing it all like crazy adn then....i ran out of bread. thats when i started to freak out. i started to back away but they continued to follow me. so i ran. but i guess it was good timing because i think it was time for a bath because they all turned around and went into the water. i was just lucky that no body got hurt.


Anie said...

Great story!!!! Thanks for the good laugh!!!! i could just picture you running & screaming with ducks and geese chasing you!!! Glad no one was hurt in this little adventure!

martyrudd said...

No supposedly about it!! Just ask Tisha...she still remembers getting attacked by the geese and one of them giving her belly a big goose bite!!!!! Your dad launched it across the neighbors yard with the kick of his work boot!! Yes, you should be afraid of geese. xoxoxMOM

Unknown said...

i thought it was her butt mom...look whos getting their stories mixed up now... :)