First Trimester
Well, I'm pregnant! That is for sure. There is no doubt about it. We were able to get our first picture of our little nugget and hear the heart beating crazy fast! Such a fun experience to have together.
I have also had "morning sickness" off the chain! I have to say that I have had a little clarity on why it was a good idea for me not to be teaching full time right now. There is no way that I could be a first year teacher and be as sick as I've been. I completely avoid the kitchen and can't stand the smell of any warm food. So far I've lost about 8 pounds and I wouldn't doubt that Jeremy has lost some weight too. He doesn't complain though and takes good care of us both. I'm really anti taking any medication, but have had to take a couple things to make this time bearable. I've been taking some B12 supplements and then Unisom which is actually a sleeping pill that helps with nausea. It works great but just half a pill knocks me out! I'm hoping this doesn't last too much longer! I'm dying to use the "I'm eating for two" excuse...especially with Thanksgiving coming up! :)
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
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