Wednesday, October 1, 2014

3 Year Anniversary

Another year of marriage! I can't even believe how much has changed in the last three years that we have been married. Each year we take a picture on our anniversary holding the picture from the year before. Looking at this picture reminds me of all that we have accomplished in the last three years. We got married, moved from California to Rexburg, both graduated from college, moved back to California, had a baby, moved across the country, and started graduate school. For such a short time we have really packed in some milestones.
To celebrate Jeremy made dinner and had a few surprises for me throughout the day. 
Then on the weekend we dropped Leila off with the Calhouns (so grateful for their willingness to babysit!) and hit up Lily's Pizza in Raleigh. It was so delicious I can't even describe it! To top off such a yummy dinner we kept it classy and went to Wendy's for frosty's in waffle cones. :) It was such a great date!

It has been so much fun being married to Jeremy and I have loved every minute of it. I couldn't have asked for a better partner to go through life with. Bring on another year of adventure!