Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Eleven Months

April 9: Eleven Months
I can't believe Leila is almost a year old! I am trying to savor every moment with my sweet baby but she is just growing up so fast.
This month I had to take her to the doctor because she has been throwing up a lot. She weighed in at 19lbs 2oz. She has seemed way less interested in her milk so I think that might be keeping her from gaining more weight. The doctor thinks she might be lactose intolerant so we are going to try soy formula for the next month and see how she does.
Leila continues to develop all her skills, especially her verbal ones and though it seems like she has been teething forever no teeth have popped through yet. They are close though!
Her first real word (other than mama, dada, and baba) came the day after her eleven month birthday but I'll still put it in this update. It was "ball"! Her favorite toy is her blue Carolina basketball and she grabbed it and said ball. Such a proud moment for me!!
This month she started really crawling, or creeping as Jeremy continually reminds me is the correct term for it. Let's just say she is up on her hands and knees now and can get around pretty quick. She has also started pulling herself up on to things and cruises around on whatever she can. Her favorite is when I take the couch cushions off because then the couch is just the perfect height for her. She will put toys up they and just go back and forth with them. ADORABLE!
 This girl just melts my heart! Looks like I better get started on planning a birthday party!