Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Month 6: September

Back to school, back to school....

September brought yet another semester of school. This is my last semester of classes on campus. It is so weird to say that. I really can't believe my schooling is coming to an end after having spent four years at this place. But I definitely have senior-itis so I'm looking forward to it. This semester I take my Senior Practicum which is basically like a mini student teaching. I got assigned to be in the fourth grade classroom at Taylor's Crossing Public Charter School. My cooperating teacher is Mrs. Larson and I will be in her classroom of 34 students twice a week all day. Mostly I work with students one-on-one or in groups and help out where needed but I will also teach a lesson a day as well as creating and teaching an entire unit. It will be an awesome experience. I have Sister Kay (my favorite teacher and my boss) who is the hardest teacher to take this class from but I know I will learn a ton....and I will have no life! At least Jeremy will be able to sympathize since he is taking Chemistry this semester (along with several other classes that I would rather die than take). 

Jeremy is so good to me though. He always brightens my day. One of his many tools is flowers. These are my favorite. It's good to be in love!