Let's finish off the summer with a recap of all the highlights from August.
Of course with August brings back the start of school. Jeremy is back living with us and starting his second year of Physical Therapy School. Woohoo! I can't believe it's been a year since he started!
One bit of extra exciting news in relation to Jeremy going back to school is that according to the university we are now officially residents of the great state of North Carolina! It took us a year but now we only have to pay half the amount of tuition that we were! That makes switching all our California stuff totally worth it!
Some stuff about Leila this month:
Her favorite toy is her shopping cart she got for her birthday. She loves to load it up and walk around with it. At 15 months she hadn't started walking yet but just after her 15 month birthday she took her first steps and it seems like she hasn't stopped.
(Technically she had already taken a few steps a few weeks before her 15 month but then she stopped. We went our west and she totally refused. But when we came home she just picked it right up. I think it had to do with wanting to do it with Daddy. :)
She loves to read the scriptures.
She LOVES corn. After so much of it on the cob in Brentwood that's all she wants to do.
This sweet girl just waits for us outside the bathroom door. Ha!
Early morning snuggles with this girl...I think only because I was on the love sac!
Our sweet friends the Castros gave Leila a few Mini Mouse things for her birthday and she is in love with them!
Big girl missed her baby car seat! She wouldn't get out of it!
Leila really missed Jessica and Jake...Jake's not sure he feels the same.
But I loved being back with my friend! Long walks to catch up until our babies fall asleep!
Worst thing about Baity Hill: when the whole building's fire alarm goes of...especially right after Leila has fallen asleep. Ugh!
Leila went to her first music class this month. It didn't go too well. Not enough action for her I think. But for the rest of the day I didn't forget her name!
Leila is a great kitchen buddy. She finds lots of things to keep herself busy.
Trips to museums this month:
Sitting in a dinosaur footprint,
crawling through the mist,
banging on some drums with her fellow band mates,
and taking a spin.
We also joined the women of our ward for some park day fun. These kids loved the swings!
These kinds of outings are our favorite!
This girl can really rock the up-do these days.
The Baity Hill park with this car is still her favorite.
When I brought her to the doctor with me I realized how much of a toddler she is becoming. She is into everything! I would try anything to keep her occupied, even stealing some doctors gloves. But hey we had to wait a long time!
Finishing this months recap with a sweet picture that embodies our sweet little curious girl who has loved every moment of summer!