Thursday, June 12, 2014

Eight Months

My sweet eight month old girl!
She is a cute little nugget and I can't get over the chunk she is getting on her legs. Adorable!
Late to the game in true Leila fashion, she is just now really mastering the art of rolling back to front. It's hard work!
And sometimes she just needs a rest. Seriously she is so my daughter!
My favorite this about Leila right now? Her growling. It is seriously so funny! She growls all the time to show her excitement. At home I just laugh but the place she growls the most is at church. She is so excited to see people in Sacrament Meeting that she is just growling so loud at everyone. She kills me!
My other favorite thing about Leila right now is hearing her start to talk more. Looking back she might have been saying "mama" for longer than I realized but this month it became super obvious and I love it!
One more favorite thing: She has started kissing! Melt my heart!
Lots of firsts this month. With her first Christmas came her first Christmas tree which she loved and meeting Santa which she tolerated. She also got to play Baby Jesus in the Nativity this year which was a big deal. Ani was Mary so they were a good team. Other firsts included swinging on a swing and drinking from a sippy cup that Santa put in her stocking. She was really excited about both. :)
Possible new development: teething. I'm not quite if she is or not but they've got to show up eventually. I'm in no rush though since I LOVE that gummy smile of hers.
I can't believe how fast she is growing!